آخر تحديث: أكثر من عام
Moatasim Sheikh

تاريخ الميلاد: 27 أبريل, 1989
الجنسية: الهند
الجنس: ذكر
الحالة الاجتماعية: متزوج
تصريح العمل: قابل للنقل
الموقع: الجبيل, السعودية
معلومات الاتصال
يجب أن تكون مسجلا كشركة ومشتركاً بــ"باقـة وصل" لعرض معلومات الاتصال
A creative professional with 5.5 years of experience in sales & marketing, with proven ability to drive business up-ward through aggressive initiatives and strategies. Very strong in developing and implementing marketing plans, practices and strategies required for business penetration, growth and customer satisfaction.
الخبرات المهنية
التاريخ العملي
• Senior Program Executive, Indian Institute of Management
تاريخ التعيين: سبتمبر 2018 - ديسمبر 2019
// الأدوار و المسؤوليات:
- Responsible for complete management of the customized & open programs which includes executing, documenting and gauging the performance of the program against set milestones.
- Establish and maintained relationship closely with academics for the delivery and design of the program, generating reports on the status of the program for various internal and external stakeholders.
- Organizing Events/ Meetings: Venue bookings, interacting with IT, Sarovar and AV services for smooth arrangements of events within campus.
- Delivered Power Point Presentations to prospective customer at information sessions, webinars and partner events to provide accurate and timely information on Programs.
- Resolve customer complaints by investigating problems, developing solutions, preparing reports, and making recommendations to management.
- Keep management informed by submitting marketing activity and results reports, such as daily call reports, weekly work plans, and handle internal processes such as generating reports, maintaining database, responding to internal queries, contributing to internal recruitment on an ongoing basis.
المؤهلات العلمية
• 2014 - الماجستير, Marketing
Manipal University
المهارات و اللغات
- الإنجليزية, اللغة الأم
الهوايات و الإهتمامات
السفر, القراءة
يرجى التسجيل كشركة لعرض التفضيلات الوظيفية